About Me
I have been in the field for over 10 years, focusing on creating quality learning experiences for faculty, students, and staff. I am currently an Instructional Technologist and Designer at the Queens College Center for Excellence in Teaching, Learning, and Leadership (CETLL), where I work to implement quality courses and initiatives for a wide variety of audiences and modalities. Through this opportunity I have worked with many stakeholders in a wide variety of fields in developing quality educational and professional development learning experiences.
I received my MA from the TC Columbia University, Instructional Technology, Media, and Design program. I focused on the macro and micro factors that are essential to successful online program development and design, resulting in an online course development workflow for effective collaborative faculty/SME development. This framework served as the basis of CTL’s internal training and certification model, where we utilized this framework to move hundreds of courses and staff online.
I find the best collaborations come from a learning first mentality, where the needs assessments takes into account what will accomplish the pedagogical and andragogical goals first. I have found a common issue with professional development and learning (both in an academic and industry environment) is training is done through an individual one-off mindset. In order to build a culture of effective learning, one must take a holistic approach to ensure effective training, not just box checking.
Instructional Designer and faculty/SMEs are often viewed as an adversarial relationship instead of a collaborative one. I have great success reframing that relationship, eliciting quality collaborations by framing the restructuring as seeking the best ways to showcase the faculty or SME’s work and course- not just generically identifying best practices. Building on this work, I was the Instructional Technologist on the team dedicated to formalizing collaborative structures and online course assessment tools, resulting in a fully established workflow to adapt and train an in-person faculty to teach successfully in an online or hybrid modality.
Instructional Design Skills
Adapting and utilizing Learning Frameworks including ADDIE, SAM, Pebble-in-the-Pond.
End-to-End Learning Design
Online Course Development
Google Workspaces SuperAdmin
Learning Management System Management/Support: Blackboard Learn, Wordpress, Google Classroom, Canvas
Authoring Tools: Camtasia/Snagit, Articulate Storyline.
Languages: Java, HTML, Javascript, XML
MA in Instructional Technology, Media and Design, TC Columbia University
BA in Psychology and Political Science, QC City University of New York