About Me


I have been in the field for over 10 years, focusing on creating quality learning experiences for faculty, students, and staff. I am currently an Instructional Technologist and Designer at the Queens College Center for Excellence in Teaching, Learning, and Leadership (CETLL), where I work to implement quality courses and initiatives for a wide variety of audiences and modalities. Through this opportunity I have worked with many stakeholders in a wide variety of fields in developing quality educational and professional development learning experiences.

I received my MA from the TC Columbia University, Instructional Technology, Media, and Design program. I focused on the macro and micro factors that are essential to successful online program development and design, resulting in an online course development workflow for effective collaborative faculty/SME development. This framework served as the basis of CTL’s internal training and certification model, where we utilized this framework to move hundreds of courses and staff online.

I find the best collaborations come from a learning first mentality, where the needs assessments takes into account what will accomplish the pedagogical and andragogical goals first. I have found a common issue with professional development and learning (both in an academic and industry environment) is training is done through an individual one-off mindset. In order to build a culture of effective learning, one must take a holistic approach to ensure effective training, not just box checking.

Instructional Designer and faculty/SMEs are often viewed as an adversarial relationship instead of a collaborative one. I have great success reframing that relationship, eliciting quality collaborations by framing the restructuring as seeking the best ways to showcase the faculty or SME’s work and course- not just generically identifying best practices. Building on this work, I was the Instructional Technologist on the team dedicated to formalizing collaborative structures and online course assessment tools, resulting in a fully established workflow to adapt and train an in-person faculty to teach successfully in an online or hybrid modality.


Instructional Design Skills

  • Adapting and utilizing Learning Frameworks including ADDIE, SAM, Pebble-in-the-Pond.

  • End-to-End Learning Design

  • Online Course Development


  • Google Workspaces SuperAdmin

  • Learning Management System Management/Support: Blackboard Learn, Wordpress, Google Classroom, Canvas

  • Authoring Tools: Camtasia/Snagit, Articulate Storyline.

  • Languages: Java, HTML, Javascript, XML


  • MA in Instructional Technology, Media and Design, TC Columbia University

  • BA in Psychology and Political Science, QC City University of New York

Services I Offer

Instructional Design

Proven Instructional Designer with experience collaborating with faculty and Subject Matter Experts (SME’s) using a wide variety of Instructional Design models and processes including: ADDIE, SAM, Pebble in the Pond, Quality Matters, CUNY SPS, QC OCHEP, and OSCQR. My focus is online and hybrid for professional development and higher education.

Professional Development and Guidance: Online/Hybrid Work

End-to-end learning design for you and your professional organization to develop strategies and training for a hybrid/fully online work environment. This includes doing needs assessments, developing scaffolded, scalable training on both the technical and management skills required in a partially or fully online environment, and defined metrics for assessing efficacy.

Instructional Technology Training

Training on how to use various educational technologies through the lens of best instructional and pedagogical practice (Including: ZOOM, Blackboard, Google Classroom, Canvas)


Course Review and Feedback:

Assessing an existing online course with specific feedback on how best to suit your course to the online environment (Based on Quality Matters, OLC, UDL, OSCQR etc..). I structure this feedback directly suited to the modality, discipline, topic, and learning goals.